
Why Cusp

1. Expert Dental treatment by Alumni Doctors Renowned Dental by Colleges of the country.

2. All specialised Doctors under one roof for delivering the best services

3. Single sitting and Painless Root canal treatments (RCT)

4. Painless wisdom tooth removal and implants.

5. Immediate Implants after tooth removal.

6. Pre-wedding smile makeover with quick results.

7. Invisible brace (aligners): that makes life easier.

8. Laser-assisted dental procedures leading to comfort and blood-free treatment

9. Get rid of hair loss through natural PRP treatment

10. Great wrinkle-free and young toned face through economical BOTOX Injections

11. We work with the best Dental labs in India

12. We follow all COVID -19 Safety Protocds as per the MoHFW & WHO guidelines

Dental Chair

Our Medical Specialists

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Shop No. 216-217, Second Floor, Vardhman City Mall, near Paramount School, Sector 23, Dwarka,
New Delhi-110077″ link=”https://www.google.com/maps?ll=28.564719,77.054364&z=17&t=m&hl=en&gl=IL&mapclient=embed&cid=13847540407694971966″]
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